
The National Society of Accountants is your association. Make the most of your membership by getting involved in one of the opportunities listed below. Participation creates new opportunities to learn from and network with the leaders who are shaping the small business tax and accounting industry. This list is just a sampling of the ways to get involved. If you would like to know more about any particular opportunity, call our member services team to learn more.

  1. Become an active participant in Tax Talk discussion forum. Search through the 28,000-message archive by topic or author, start a discussion, or just read the daily digest to learn about hot topics affecting fellow practitioners.

  2. Start a discussion on one of the member to member discussion forums. Don’t try to figure things out all by yourself. Send your tax questions out to your fellow practitioners and enjoy the peer-to-peer connection through their helpful responses.
  3. Volunteer to serve. Raise your hand to be considered for committee placement or sign up to hear about opportunities to help on short-term projects. For more information, visit the NSA Volunteer Hub.
  4. Read the NSA publications. Each week NSA provides members with the very latest news and information to help you in your practice. All publications are available online to read at your convenience. Visit the webpages for Main Street PractitionerNSAlertMemberLink, and the new NSA Blog for the latest information to help you make the most of your benefits.
  5. Become a Mentor or Mentee. NSA has an online mentoring program. Mentor Match is a unique online networking tool designed to help you find and connect with one another to establish mutually beneficial mentoring relationships. Read more and sign up at Mentor Match.
  6. Follow, Connect, and Like us on Social Media. Follow us on Twitter at @NSAtax, Connect with us via Linkedin, and “like” us on Facebook to keep up to date on recent NSA membership news, events, event photos, fun facts, and benefit updates.
  7. Get published through NSA.  Submit an article for publishing consideration, or  write a blog and send it to us. Your submissions will go through our editorial review panel and you may be published in the magazine, newsletters, or in the NSA Blog. Send submissions to Julene Joy.
  8. Attend the NSA Annual Meeting. Connect with fellow NSA members in person at the Annual Meeting & Expo in Vancouver next August. Earn CPE, network with your peers, meet the leaders of your national organization,  and become a leader. Visit the Annual Meeting webpages.
  9. Earn CPE with NSA ConnectED Webinars.  Browse through the many live, upcoming webinar offerings. Search by topic or keyword to find just what you are looking for. Too busy to sign up ahead of time, search through the vast listing of archived, on-demand webinars.  Visit the NSA ConnectED Webinar page.
  10. Connect with other NSA Members.  Visit the Professional Directory and reach out to add 3 new people as contacts. Go to the Professional Directory to get started.