
In compliance with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws, the IRS makes available a list of PTIN holders and a list of enrolled agents to interested parties. The lists are currently provided via CD-ROM to those who submit a request and pay a $35 fee to cover IRS costs.

This process will soon change as a result of the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 signed by the President on June 30, which requires agencies to “make available for public inspection in electronic format…copies of all records…that have been requested 3 or more times.”  The PTIN list has been requested more than 1,200 times, well over the limit. 

The IRS is working to implement downloadable versions of the two lists in the Electronic Reading Room on irs.gov, which will be updated twice per year and available at no cost. If your business address is the same as your home address, it is advised you change your business address to a P.O. Box.