
Federal regulation of tax return preparers must recognize state certifications and credentials obtained through examinations that establish competency in tax

NSA sent a letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee asking for changes to a recent Committee proposal to regulate tax preparers.

The description of the proposal stated that it would provide the IRS the authority to regulate tax return preparers.  The proposal also states that the Finance Committee “encourages the Department of the Treasury and the IRS to expeditiously (i) approve third-party examination and continuing education providers for purposes of allowing individuals to obtain registered tax return preparer status.”   (emphasis added)  Encouragement is well and good, but it really does not mean anything.  Without something stronger, we could find ourselves where we were a few years ago, when ACAT tests and state-required tests were not recognized by the IRS and every preparer who is not an EA, CPA or attorney had to take an IRS test.

The letter asked the Committee to  direct, rather than encourage, the IRS and Treasury to expeditiously approve third party examination providers and state credential programs either in legislative language or Committee Report language.

Read NSA’s letter here