
Current Secretary Treasurer Curt Lee has announced his candidacy for NSA 2nd Vice President and will forego the remaining year of his two year term in that position.  In accordance with NSA’s Bylaws—which require officer candidates to resign any current position they hold “no later than at the election” at the NSA Annual Convention in Minneapolis—Mr. Lee has submitted his resignation effective August 22.

The NSA Board is now asking members interested in the position to declare their candidacy for the office of Secretary Treasurer for a 2-year term beginning on September 1. Information about the duties of the Secretary Treasurer is set out in NSA’s Bylaws in Article VIII, Section 4, a copy of which is available here.

Candidate announcements for the position of Secretary Treasurer must be made no later than 5 pm EDT on Friday, June 29th in order for candidate names to be included on NSA-issued proxy ballots and to have information about their candidacy included on the NSA website.  Candidate forms are available on the NSA website and should be submitted to NSA Executive Vice President John Ams by email at ­­­­­­­­­­­jams@nsacct.org.  Proxy ballots will be mailed to members and voting will begin in July following procedures established by NSA’s Governance Committee.

NSA’s elections will be held at the Annual Convention in Minneapolis this August. To register for the event, visit this page.