The NSA will be conducting new programs in our series of ConnectED Webinars, which are approved for continuing professional education (CPE) by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation (ACAT) and California Tax Education Council (CTEC).
The following webinars for tax and accounting professionals are scheduled to be held May-June 2015:
May 21, 2015
2014 Updates to the Tangible Property Repair Regulations The Final Tangible Property Repair Regulations are now in full effect and taxpayers were required to be in compliance for the 2014 tax year. This webinar covers compliance aspects of these new regulations as well as tax strategies to effectively leverage these new rules. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law Update
Presented by Alexander Bagne
May 26, 2015
EA Exam Prep Part 1: Individuals This webinar, the first in a series of webinars designed to help practitioners study for the Enrolled Agent exam, will review ten heavily-tested topics on Part 1 – Individuals of the Enrolled Agents Exam. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/SEE Test Preparation
Presented by John Everett and Cherie Hennig
May 27, 2015
EA Exam Prep Part 2A: Businesses I The first of two webinars devoted to studying for Part 2 – Businesses of the Enrolled Agents Exam. This webinar will review ten topics that are often tested on Enrolled Agents Exam Part 2, including business income and expense topics applicable to all businesses, sales or exchanges of business properties, and partnership taxation. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/SEE Test Preparation
Presented by John Everett and Cherie Hennig
May 28, 2015
Form 990 Primer This webinar will guide you through steps to help you confidently prepare Form 990 for non-profits, covering the various sections of the form and its schedules.
NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law
Presented by Kay Mortimer
June 2, 2015
IRS Preparer Penalties and the Strategies to Avoid Them Over the last several years the IRS has begun aggressively asserting IRC §6694 and §6695 penalties against preparers. Get strategies to avoid preparer penalties and contest them when proposed by IRS. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law
Presented by Robert E. McKenzie, EA, Attorney
June 3, 2015
2015 Representation Update
Over the past several years the IRS has seen its budget cut significantly and there has been a corresponding reduction in the quality of service provided by IRS, dramatically reducing its enforcement efforts. This webinar will examine the methods IRS is using in this new enforcement environment.
NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes
IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law Update
Presented by Robert E. McKenzie, EA, Attorney
June 4, 2015
Preparing for the Next Round of Offshore Tax Enforcement: What Practitioners and Their Clients Need to Know Now Since 2008, the Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department have waged an unprecedented enforcement campaign to crack down on offshore tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers. With the passage of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), the IRS has new tools to uncover offshore bank accounts and investment activity. This webinar will cover income tax reporting obligations for offshore income and deductions, foreign tax credits, Foreign bank account reporting (FBAR) obligations, FATCA foreign asset reporting obligation (Form 8938), other foreign information return obligations (Forms 3520, 3520-A, 5471, 8621, 8865), Criminal and/or civil penalties for non-compliance, and the latest trends in IRS and DOJ enforcement
NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law
Presented by Matthew Lee, Esq.
June 9, 2015
Form 3115 Line-by-Line The personal property regs finalized in 2014 and the IRS announcements that almost every business owner should file a Form 3115 in 2014 got everybody talking about this seldom used form. Now that tax season is behind us, take a closer look at all the guidance and determine whether we did the right thing for our clients and how to fix it if we didn’t. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law Update
Presented by Lisa Ihm
June 16, 2015
EA Exam Prep Part 2B: Businesses II This is the second of two webinars devoted to Part 2 – Businesses of the Enrolled Agents Exam. This webinar will review another ten topics that are often tested on Part 2, including tax issues related to both C corporations and S corporations, estate and trust income taxation, and business retirement plans. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Special Enrollment Exam Test Preparation
Presented by John Everett and Cherie Hennig
June 18, 2015
Nonprofit Organizations: A to Z
This session will cover forming a nonprofit organization (NPO) from the ground floor up. Topics include the pre-filing stage and what needs to be done in preparation, how to optimize forming a 501c3, forms 1023 and 1024, organizational and professional concerns, accounting plans, payroll, and more.
NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Federal Tax Law
Presented by Kay Mortimer
June 24, 2015
EA Exam Prep Part 3: Representation, Practice and Procedures The last in the series of Enrolled Agent exam preparation, webinars, EA Part 3 will review ten topics that are often tested on Part 3- Representation, Practice and Procedures of the Enrolled Agents Exam. NASBA CPE: 2 Hours/Taxes IRS CE: 2 Hours/Special Enrollment Exam Test Preparation
Presented by John Everett and Cherie Hennig
June 25, 2015
Schedule D in the Real World
The Schedule D got a major facelift a few years ago, along with the introduction of Form 8949. This webinar will cover various aspects of reporting the sale of capital assets on Schedule D including: When is the Schedule D required? When is Form 8949 required? How do you read that Form 1099-B? How do you use Form 8949 “Adjustment Codes”? It will present scenarios and provide resources you need so you can be confident when you file the Schedule D and Form 8949 in the real world of your practice.
NASBA CE: 1 Hour/Taxes IRS CE: 1 Hour/Federal Tax Law
Presented by Kathy Hettick, EA, ABA, ATP, RTRP and Gene Bell, EA, ATA, CFP, RTRP
All upcoming NSA ConnectED webinars start at 2:00 pm Eastern Time. One hour webinars are $35 for members and $65 for non-members. Two hour webinars are $65 for members and $95 for non-members. Order four or more live or archived webinars in one order and receive a 20 percent discount.
A complete list of webinars can be found at, including a full lineup of recorded, on-demand CPE webinars that are available for purchase. More information is also available by calling NSA at 800-966-6679.